Ad sales

If you’re looking to reach an audience of college sports industry professionals, college students, and die-hard college sports fans, advertising with Extra Points would be a great decision. This newsletter currently reaches over 25,000 dedicated college athletics fans, industry leaders, and academics with every free email.

We offer display ad packages, sponsored post packages, and hybrid packages, depending on your budget and campaign goals.

Newsletter ad slot packages (3-5 sentences of copy + image)

Sponsored segment - dedicated advertorial newsletter segment on a topic of your choice, ~600 words

Sponsored newsletter - one dedicated newsletter takeover, ~1,600 words)

Sponsored Twitter & Instagram Campaigns - @MattBrownEP has ~48K followers

Webinars / Live Events Sponsored by You - Panel and interview, moderated by Matt Brown on the topic of your choosing

Other pricing options are available upon request. Ad sale inquiries should be sent to [email protected].

Bulk Newsletter Discounts

Extra Points is also happy to offer significantly discounted bulk subscription packages. This solution is perfect for newsrooms, athletic conference offices, athletic departments, law firms, and other businesses. The minimum for bulk subscription pricing discounts is four newsletter subscriptions.

If at least four members of your athletic department, conference or newsroom are paying for Extra Points, bulk pricing will save you money!

Please reach out to [email protected] and we can set up a package for you.