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  • I asked my kids if they could identify Big Ten mascots. They...did better than I expected?

I asked my kids if they could identify Big Ten mascots. They...did better than I expected?

Good morning, and thanks for spending part of your day with Extra Points.

If you've been following me on Twitter for a while, chances are, you've seen what I promise is not a regularly occurring bit: my children tweeting from my account.

This has honestly been happening for years. Tweetdeck is usually one of my open tabs, and if my computer is unattended for a moment, there's a decent chance one of my kids will wander over and start tweeting. When my girls were toddlers, those tweets were gibberish.

But my oldest is now eight years old. So sometimes, you might see tweets like this:

or this

or this

I'm glad that my daughters are interested in the ol' family business, even though I wish they couldn't grab my account without asking. I thought about having them straight up write one of these newsletters, but that's probably a bit ambitious, even for a precocious eight-year-old. But we could do a video, right?

So, if you're interested in that sort of thing, here is a video with me and my kids, where I show them mascots in the Big Ten, and ask a) if they can guess what the school mascot is and b) if they like the mascot.

It's pretty clear my kids have mixed up the messaging in our house somehow (Penny thought Buckeyes come from Brazil which....uh...not quite), but I'm surprised at how much they've retained.

If you like it, maybe we'll do another one. If you don't like it, that's okay! There's plenty of other more Serious Professional stuff on Extra Points this week

For example, you could check out the latest Going For Two!

Bryan and I did two episodes again this week. If you missed it earlier (subscribers to Going For Two, which is free, get it in their phones on Wednesday), we talked a bit about the Colorado opening, but mostly focused on Wisconsin...what made the decision so surprising, what makes this a unique (and not that easy) gig, and how Wisconsin managed to go so long without every firing anybody:

For the Friday show, Brian and I talk a bit about the realignment updates I shared earlier in the week, what we're hearing about the status of the NCAA Transformation Committee, and then, an interview with Baylor President Dr.Linda Livingstone on the search for the next head of the NCAA.

You can watch all of our Going For Two episodes here on YouTube, or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

Here's what else we published this week:

I've also been working the phones and filing the FOIAs a lot this week, trying to work on some larger, more reported stories that I hope will be ready soon!

If you want to make sure you get every Extra Points newsletter, be sure to upgrade to a paid subscription for just eight bucks a month, or $75 for the whole dang year. It's the best way to support Extra Points.

Thanks for reading, everybody. I'll see you next week.

This week's Extra Points is brought to you in part by Good Seeds, a company recently started by one of my best friends:

Interested in teaching your kid skills for on and off the field? Check out Good Seeds.

I asked my kids if they could identify Big Ten mascots. They...did better than I expected?

We provide monthly activity kits, each focused on a specific virtue or life skill, that are geared for children ages 3-7. Each kit contains an original story with engaging illustrations, discussion questions, and activities to do together, all on the theme of the month.

This edition of Extra Points is also brought to you by The Good Newspaper

I asked my kids if they could identify Big Ten mascots. They...did better than I expected?

The most beautiful newspaper you’ve ever seen. Do you ever feel weighed down by everything that’s going on in the world? Me too. I don’t know about you, but it’s hard to find a balance between staying informed and taking care of myself.When I found Good Good Good, I realized that consuming news doesn’t have to be draining; in fact, it can be hopeful!

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