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  • New Podcast! New Merch! New Announcements!

New Podcast! New Merch! New Announcements!

Good morning, and thanks for spending part of your day with Extra Points.

Today is a big day. A day where all sorts of big changes are going to happen. Everybody on the internet is talking about it.

I’m talking, of course, about changes at Extra Points.

First, we finally have some new merch. Stickers!

A few months ago, I sold stickers with the old FOIA SAXA logo on them, and folks seemed to really like it!

I’ve rebranded since then, and now I have a big stack of Extra Points stickers. Here’s how you can get them.

New Podcast! New Merch! New Announcements!

1) If you purchased the deluxe $150/year subscription in the last six months, hang tight. You should get an email later today. If you want two of these stickers, they’re yours, absolutely free.

2) You can buy them via PayPal right here. You can get two stickers for five bucks. I know there are folks out there that would like to support Extra Points, but can’t commit to a seven dollar a month subscription. This would be a great way to do that!

3) For the rest of this week, through Friday evening, if you purchase a full-price Extra Points subscription, I’ll mail you a sticker for no extra cost.

So if you subscribe to Extra Points, not only do you get four newsletters a week and access to the Extra Points Discord channel and access to all the Moon Crew DIscord channels…you get two free stickers too! Neat! All of that for just seven bucks a month, or $70 for the entire year.

The first episode of Going For Two is now out! 2021 predictions time!

If you haven’t already, now is a great time to subscribe to Going For Two on your podcast delivery service of choice. By the time this newsletter publishes, around 4 AM God’s Time Zone, the first episode should be up.

Bryan Fischer and I talk about our college athletics industry predictions for 2021 in a bit more detail. If you’re looking for a high-level overview of where we are in actually knowing how NIL is going to work, how the one-time transfer rule is going to be implemented (and what it means for roster counts and APR), and the near future in FCS and FBS conference realignment, I think you’ll enjoy listening to this podcast.

I’m sure it’ll take us an episode or two to really get our sea legs, but I’m happy with this product, and excited for how it will supplement this newsletter. I hope you enjoy it! Look for Going For Two to publish every Wednesday.

As we head into a new academic semester, a quick reminder. You might be eligible for a big discount on your Extra Points subscription.

I’m happy to give big, institutional-wide discounts, especially for universities. As long as a minimum of six people affiliated with a school will commit to signing up for a subscription, I can offer a 50% discount code for anybody at the school. That includes students, professors, staffers, coaches, athletic department personnel, anybody.

Right now, I can offer discounts to individuals affiliated with the following schools:

Alabama, Arizona State, DePaul, Indiana, Kansas, Kutztown, McKendree, Ohio, Ohio State, San Diego State, Samford, South Carolina, Texas and West Georgia. If you are affiliated with any of these schools, please email me, and I will send you your school-specific discount code. I hope to add a few others to this list over the next few weeks as well.

If you would like your school (or conference, office, etc) to get added to this list, just shoot me an email at [email protected], and we’ll figure out a way to set that up!

Speaking of sales and ads, this week’s Extra Points sponsor is SZN Media LLC.

"Do you need your season to be started, enhanced, or captured in 2021? Work with Season Media, LLC!

SZN Media is a creative agency founded by Stephen-Michael that's built on the knowledge of tech and media. SZN Media is currently taking bookings for: Graphic Design, Web Design, Social Media, and Creative Strategy!

Email stephensznmedia@gmail or Text ‪(929) 224-4315‬ for more info! And of course, visit www.sznmedia.co!

New Podcast! New Merch! New Announcements!

I’ve known Stephen-Michael Thompson Jr. for a while, from his work at HBCU GameDay and Mid Major Madness, and I know he’s got a great eye for photography and great stories. I trust his judgment and am happy to recommend him.


If you’d like to be an Extra Points Community Interview subject, please fill out this form so I can reach out to you. That series will return next week.

I’ll have one more (paywalled) newsletter on Friday, and then we’ll get into what should be a fun week next week.

Be safe out there, and I’ll catch up with you then.

Thanks again for your support of Extra Points. If you’re interested in buying ads on this newsletter, podcast, or have general business inquiries, please reach out to [email protected]. If you have story ideas, feedback, documents you want to share and more, I can be reached at [email protected], or @MattBrownEP on Twitter.


or to participate.