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  • What's going to happen to the basketball coaching carousel?

What's going to happen to the basketball coaching carousel?

Good morning, and thanks for spending part of your day with Extra Points.

Friends, it's been another busy week here at Extra Points HQ. I'd love to share with you some of the stuff we've been up to that maybe you haven't seen yet.

First, Bryan and I sat down for the latest episode of Going For Two to go over some of the biggest stories of the week that we hadn't had a chance to turn into newsletters or videos yet.

Going For Two is the free podcast of Extra Points, which drops every Wednesday and Friday. You can find it via Apple Podcasts, Spotify and wherever else you get your podcasts.

You can also watch the video of the show from our YouTube Playlist:

In this video, among many other topics, we discuss:

  • How you can save 15% off your first order at Homefield Apparel by using promocode EXTRAPOINTS

  • Why so many big name programs, like Georgetown, NC State and Arizona State, have elected not to make men's basketball coaching changes, and what that means for this coaching cycle

  • An ode to NoonBall

  • Why the AAC is reportedly trying to recoup such a huge exit fee to facilitate Cincinnati, etc leaving for the Big 12 early, why those fees exist, and how much we think everybody actually ends up paying

  • What makes Hue Jackson's Grambling contract so unique

  • And much, much more:

If you enjoy the show, liking, subscribing, and sharing with your friends is very much appreciated. Our last month was easily our best ever for this show, and your tweets, your reviews, and your positive feedback helps us continue to grow the podcast and continue to help us publish twice a week.

I also did several video interviews over at Collegiate Sports Connect. It's free to set up an account at CSC, and you can watch interviews conducted by me, Brian, and all of our other coworkers, as we chat with reporters, ADs, and all sorts of other industry leaders in college sports.

This week, I had a chance to sit down and talk with Lindenwood Women's Soccer head coach Dave Musso about the actual nuts and bolts of what reclassification means for a specific program. We talked about what Lindenwood athletes thought about the move to D-I, what it means for short-term scheduling, hiring, and more.

I also talked to Quinnipiac University field hockey head coach Becca Main, who was kind enough to try and explain field hockey to me, a dingus who knows very little about the sport. We talked about the challenges and opportunities that come with international recruiting, how recruiting and roster management works in field hockey, what administrators need to know about the sport, where the best recruits are, and more.

Conversations like this are really some of my favorite parts about this job.

Paid Extra Points subscribers also got a little extra this week

On Tuesday, I shared the latest conference realignment information I'm hearing, from the MAAC, NEC and America East, to the OVC and Big South, to even some conversations at the Sun Belt.

Yesterday, I wrote about a potential framework for athletic departments and conferences to consider as they think about how they talk about war and other catastrophes. The line between performative, empty activism and heartfelt empathy can seem like a thin one to parts of the public, and figuring what we owe our athletes, students and community as an institution can be hard.

We also have deeper dives on Lindenwood's transition to D-I, including an interview with their athletic director, where we talk about the EA Sports video game, D-I men's hockey, future schedules, and more.

I can only do this with your help and support

Friends, I don't mind telling you this...I think we really produce a lot of stuff. Between five newsletters a week, two podcasts, two or three other video interviews, uploading new contracts and budgets to the FOIA directory, and speaking to classes...we are always busy around here.

I'm able to do all this stuff because so many of you subscribe to the newsletter. Paid Extra Points subscribers get every single newsletter we've ever written, some free stickers, and the warm feeling that comes with supporting independent small businesses.

I can't make the math work on all of this with ads alone (although I would love to sell more ads, including yours, so hit me up at [email protected]). The only way I can write about what we want to write about, at the scale and quality we want to do it, is if people pay to read it.

Thank you for all of your support. It's a pleasure to write for you.

We'll see you next week on the internet.

This edition of Extra Points is brought to you by Founder's Book.

What's going to happen to the basketball coaching carousel?

Founders’ Book is the #1 digital content library of tools, resources, templates, tiny guides, and many more for first-time founders and early-stage startups to support your venture building process. Learn more at Founder's Book.

To sponsor a future Extra Points newsletter, please email [email protected]. For article ideas, newsletter feedback, FOIA tips, athlete NIL sponsorships and more, I'm at [email protected], or @MattBrownEP on Twitter. Extra Points can also be found on Reddit at /r/extrapointsmb


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